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Don’t be fooled by a domain name scam!

Don’t be fooled by a domain name scam! Share this to help out a business owner who may be a potential target.

Have you received what looks like a bill in the mail for your domain name? Is it from a company you do not recognize? Chances are it is probably a scam! Figure out the facts first to avoid being taken advantage of.

Companies such as Domain Registry of America (aka Domain Service of America, Domain Renewal Group, etc.) send business owners deceiving letters that often look like a bill to try to trick them into paying an unnecessary fee. These scams have been going on for years. Be on the lookout and don’t fall for it! When in doubt, contact your current website host. They can check to see where your domain name is actually registered.

Always do your research before paying any questionable bills because once a scammer has a hold of your money you will likely never see it back. Be sure to share this information with anyone who may be handling your bills for you!

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